
  • Improve Your Vision With These Easy Eye Exercises

    It's easy to take your eyes for granted. You don't really think about how well you may see or what kind of abuse they withstand until something happens to impair your vision. As with any body part, you should exercise your eyes to maintain your vision. Even if you already have glasses or contacts, you can exercise your eyes to prevent your vision from getting worse in some cases. Here are a few essential exercises to help with maintaining healthier eyesight.
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  • Steps For Getting Used To Wearing Your New Contact Lenses

    There are a lot of benefits to wearing contacts. However, they can take some getting used to when you first get them. The first thing you will learn is how to put them in and take them out. Once you have this down you still need to adjust to having them in your eyes. This article will help you get used to wearing contact lenses so you can adapt to having them in quickly.
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  • 4 Things You Need To Know About Sjogren's Syndrome

    Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease, which means that it makes your body's immune system attack your own healthy tissues, instead of the germs and viruses that it should be fighting. Sjogren's syndrome attacks your moisture-producing glands in particular, which has serious affects on your eyes. Here's what you need to know about this disease. How does Sjogren's syndrome affect your eyes? Sjogren's syndrome attacks your lacrimal glands. The lacrimal glands are small glands just above your eye that produce tears.
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