Steps For Getting Used To Wearing Your New Contact Lenses

Posted on: 4 May 2015

There are a lot of benefits to wearing contacts. However, they can take some getting used to when you first get them. The first thing you will learn is how to put them in and take them out. Once you have this down you still need to adjust to having them in your eyes. This article will help you get used to wearing contact lenses so you can adapt to having them in quickly.

Putting the contacts in your eyes

The best way for you to make sure you are going to experience as little discomfort as possible while wearing your contacts, is making sure they are lubricated and your hands are clean. Wash your hands, making sure you rinse off all traces of the soap. Rinse your contacts with solution, rubbing each one in between your fingers. Add more rinsing solution to each contact before putting them in your eyes.

Always keep contact drops on you. Anytime your eyes feel irritated you can put a couple of drops in your eyes to remoisten the lenses and help alleviate the irritation. You can also use a clean finger to move the contact around in your eye a little to make sure it is situated correctly.

Don't wear them full-time for the first couple weeks

When you first get your contact lenses, you are going to want to get your eyes used to wearing them a little at a time. This will make for an easier transition and less irritated eyes. You should feel very comfortable in your new contact lenses within a few weeks. If you find that this amount of time has passed and you are still having a hard time getting used to them then there may be a problem with the contacts, the prescription or the sizing.

If you need to wear hard contact lenses, then you are going to need more time to get used to them. Hard contact lenses are very irritating and will cause you to feel as if your eyelids are being scratched each time you blink. However, once your eyes get used to them, they won't feel any different than soft contact lenses.

You should always have a pair of prescription glasses handy. Wear these anytime you don't feel like wearing your contacts so you can still see well. In just a short time, you'll find that you are able to wear your contacts for long periods of time. To learn more, contact the Granville Mall Optical Contact lenses experts.  
