Caring For Contact Lenses While Camping Under The Stars

Posted on: 21 March 2018

Wearing contact lenses can be a lot more convenient than wearing glasses, but they can also present some challenges in certain situations – like camping. When you don't have bathroom amenities to rely on, caring for your lenses in a way that will not result in an infection is difficult – but possible. Here, you'll find some tips that can help you enjoy the great outdoors while caring for your contact lenses properly.

What supplies will you need?

Contact Solutions

If you aren't already using an all-in-one solution, it's time to give it a try. This will eliminate the need to take too many bottles of solution with you. If you are going to make the switch, use the new solution for a week or so before the camping trip to make sure that your eyes don't have a bad reaction to the product.

Lens Cases

Take at least two contact lens cases with you – one extra just in case you lose the first. Think about using the ones that have an attached lid so you don't have to worry about losing a lid in the dark when you're fumbling around.

Bottled Water and Hand Sanitizer

You will need to ensure that your hands are very clean before you touch your contact lenses. Use hand sanitizer first and then rinse with water so that you don't get the residue (alcohol) from the sanitizer in your eyes.

Paper Towels

Instead of using the same towel for the time you're spending out under the stars, grab a roll of paper towels. Using a clean paper towel each time you dry your hands before working with your lenses will ensure that contaminants are kept to a minimum.

Bucket or Bowl

Keep one handy in case you can't get outside to get your hands washed and your lenses rinsed. You can use the bucket or bowl as a sink to catch the liquids you don't want on the floor of your tent.

Pop up Table

You know those little breakfast tables with the legs that pop up? One of those works perfectly for your contact lens care. It gives you a stable work-surface that you can keep clean and organized.

If you have everything you need, you'll have an easy time taking care of your contact lenses without the running water and environment that you're used to. Any further questions about eye care during camping adventures can be answered by an eye doctor like Olympia Eye Clinic, Inc., P.S.
